6 Students from 4th of Secondary Show Seville to California High School

20 abril 2021

6 alumnos de 4º de ESO presentaron la cultura sevillana a 150 chicos de un instituto de Manhattan Beach, California, EEUU

Recently, six of our students from the 4th year of Secondary, presented aspects of Andalusian and Sevillian culture to 150 students and their teacher, Mrs. Felise Shapiro, from our partner school in Manhattan Beach, California, a city just outside of the Los Angeles area.  The presentation was part of our year-long virtual exchange with this American high school.  The six students were Isabel Colon and Santiago Marin from classroom A, Laura Rodriguez and Celia Luis from classroom B, and Rocio Muñoz and Ana Perez Puerto from classroom C.

During the presentation, which took place using the video-conferencing platform, Zoom, our students presented three elements of undeniable interest: our Holy Week, our April Fair and the soccer rivalry between the two teams of our city, Sevilla and Betis.  Each group spoke for about 15 minutes and then the California students asked questions about these three topics.

The following day, Mrs. Shapiro sent the teachers of 4th ESO, the following WhatsApp message:

«Thanks again for such an awesome presentation! Please thank those six students again as well from all of us. I love that we have been able to do this virtual exchange together. Here’s to many more opportunities to

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